Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..

Haven't start fasting yet suasana ramadhan n aidilfitri sudah mula terasa..x sabarnya nk balik umh!!! I'm a bit depressed but still can handle the thing just can't breath well at this moment hehehe..Mak,,kakak x sabar nk buat kuih raya..! Busy with assignments and test for this coming week..Hari2 dgr lagu raya utk hilangkan stress hehe so lagu raya would be my favourite songs for this month..Miss my family and him so much!! Bosan2!! Kt umah with Dilah right now,,last night both of us sleep early bcoz there is nothing to do..Japg maybe kuar g tesco bli brg2 umh but time still not decide I'm not in a good mood right now letih sgt!! Kla will post again next time chao!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Memory in JB..

Last week, I went to Johor Bharu for MERDEKA and 1st Ramadhan celebrations..A little bit regret because I did not go home..Poor dad waiting for his children to go home..Jgn risau abah we will be at home this Hari Raya!!Ok talking about my holidays in JB,,actually that was my 2nd time there where I've been there last year..Not much different but I still like the view there.. One thing for sure,,Danga Bay is so awsome!! Guess what??terenggg.....!!!

I love shoes so much!!So I bought 1 pair of shoes(eh salah selipar je hehe..)dh mls nk pkai kasut tumit sbb kena g cmpus jln kaki.. Ila brought me to Danga Bay,,we just walked along the path then we went for a dinner before going home..We chosed to eat Steamboat nyam2!! In conclusion(hehehe..), being in JB was so fun!!

Selamt Berpuasa to all Muslims!!!